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TACBECON® Becomes OEM-Approved Lubricant in Offshore Industry
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Inside peek at the TACBECON® lubricant in jack-up gearboxes.
In the offshore industry since the year 2008, TACBECON® has seen its fair share of success in the jack-up gearboxes. With the premium quality of deliverables, the client has been assured on many occasions that TACBECON® surpasses expectations.

It is with pride that TACBECON® SYN GEAR series has been approved in the lubricant list for the jack-up gearboxes manufactured by GustoMSC. This endorsement comes from years of trials and trust from the Tecsia Company and product. With this, stakeholders will be assured of the product and service delivery.

TACBECON® SYN GEAR series was initially considered because of its oxidation induction, which proved to be almost ten times more stable than the recommended OEM lubricant.

The lubricant also works well with yellow metals such as brass and bronze. Aside from that, it is compatible with paints, seals and gaskets. This is useful as the lubricant switch-over is made more convenient, without any flushing of systems.

With the efforts of Tecsia Lubricants’ Sales and Technical teams, TACBECON® SYN GEAR series has been able to continuously improve its qualities and formula to better suit market needs.

Also, due to close follow-up and rapport, trust is built between client and Tecsia Lubricants to make this nod of approval possible.








Friday, 16 Oct 2015